Mass Times
Tuesday - Saturday: 9:00am
Saturday: 6:00pm
Sunday: English: 7:30am and 9:00am
Polish: 11:00am (1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of the Month)
Parish Ministry
Altar Servers
Children who have received Holy Communion can undergo training and join our Altar Server Roster. Please contact the Parish RE Co-ordinator for more information.
Cleaning Committee
Our hardworking Cleaning Committee is a team of dedicated Parishioners, who look after the cleaning of the Church and Hall. More helpers are always needed.
Collection Counting Teams
There are 5 teams of counters who count the second collection. If you would like to help with this please contact the parish office.
Finance Committee
The committee is responsible for overseeing parish finances to ensure that adequate funds are available to meet the needs of the parish. This is carried out through the development of an annual budget of Income and Expenditure and the annual publication of accounts. This committee monitors the planned giving programme and parish fund raising in general, and approves capital expenditure and major accounts.
Liturgy Committee
The liturgy Committee meets with the Parish Priest to arrange all the Liturgical celebrations in the parish including liturgy and decoration in the church. Parishioners are invited to join the committee if they have interests in this area.
Maintenance Committee
Our hardworking Maintenance Committee has teams of volunteers who look after gardening, church maintenance and presbytery maintenance. Several busy bees are held every year in conjunction with the parents from the school community. More helpers are always needed.
Music Ministry
We have a parish choir and other musical groups in the parish who sing at various masses on the weekend. Any parishioners who would like to sing at their regular mass are invited to join the groups. At Easter and Christmas choir practice is held for several months before the celebration and all parishioners who sing or play a musical instrument are invited to attend the rehearsals and join in the celebration.
Parish Pastoral Council
Members of the Parish Pastoral Council are elected by the parish community for a two year term. Elections are held in January every year. Members are available to speak with parishioners after Sunday masses and are identified by their Council name tags. Council meetings are held on the Third Wednesday of each month. Any parishioner may have a matter raised at Parish Council. Items should be in writing and delivered to the parish secretary at least one week before the meeting.
Piety stall
The Piety stall is operated on a voluntary roster basis after all weekend masses. A good range of religious books, medals and memorabilia is always available, especially for Christmas, Easter, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. If any parishioners are interested in helping man the stall please contact the parish secretary.
Readers and Commentators
Readers and Commentators at all Masses are volunteers who have been trained in the Ministry. Training sessions are held every year and could be held more often if needed. We are always in need of Readers and Commentators for all our Masses.