Mass Times
Tuesday - Saturday: 9:00am
Saturday: 6:00pm
Sunday: English: 7:30am and 9:00am
Polish: 11:00am (1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of the Month)
Parish Family
Home Blessings And Visitations
Parishioners are welcome to invite one of the priests to visit their homes for home masses, blessings and prayer. If you would like one of the Fathers to visit you, please contact the office or send us an e-mail.
Morning Tea
Please join us for a cuppa and a chat after 9.00am Mass on the First and Third Sunday of the Month. This is a good oportunity to get to know other parishioners.
Social Activities
The prime objective of the Social Committee is to involve parishioners through social activity thus helping people in the ways of a true parish community. Their focus is on getting parishioners to know each other and make new friends. Functions are held regularly throughout the year endeavoring to cater for all different interests. Please check the Calendar section of our web page for social events scheduled for this year.